Prayer Time!

Prayer Time!


Please write and send us your prayer requests so we may intercede on your behalf (you may send it along with this registration form if you want). Also, we would love to hear what the Lord is doing in your life (personally, and with regard to the arts). You know how wonderful it is to receive personal mail. We feel the same way! Also, Dancing For Him is here for you. If you have questions, concerns, or you're stuck on some choreography, need a fresh idea. etc., please feel free to ask for help - I am more then willing ro advise to the best of my ability.


You may (or may not) know what a major undertaking it is to put on a two-day workshop. The God-given assignment (task at hand) sometimes seems insurmountable (with the planning, preparation, details, and expenses ). To host a two day workshop in November, we must begin preparations in June (6 months in advance)! I said all that to say this: Please keep us in your prayers


We also ask that you prayerfully consider donating a scholarship amount of $50.00, or more (especially if you are providentially hindered from attendance, or even if your registration fee was waived because you will have brought 10 others) to help someone who truly has a financial hardship, but needs to attend. There are some who honestly have no resources with which to bless this ministry. However, there are those of you who need to be a blessing, by putting the money in their hands (as it were), so they can be a blessing and hence, receive a blessing. You too, will in turn receive a blessing. Then, there are some of you who just need to stretch your faith, and save your pennies.

Please pray, and see what God would have you do as far as sending a scholarship amount along with your registration.

Thank you for your prayers!!

Worship Dance Workshop

Into the Throne Room

Teachers - Musicians - Ministers

General Schedule

What To Wear - What To Bring

Location and Directions

Air Transporation - Airport Shuttle Service

Accomodations - Car Rental Information

Mail-In Registration Form

Dance Team Participation

Prayer Time!

Available Resources - Books and Videos


Worship Dance Workshop | Into the Throne Room | Teachers - Musicians - Ministers | General Schedule | What To Wear - What To Bring | Location and Directions | Air Transporation - Airport Shuttle Service | Accomodations - Car Rental Information | Mail-In Registration Form | Dance Team Participation | Prayer Time! | Available Resources - Books and Videos

Dancing For Him Ministries, Inc.
Date Last Modified: 9/23/98
Tom and Lynn Hayden

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