Teachers • Musicians • Ministers

Teachers • Musicians • Ministers
to learn more about their ministry
Tom & Lynn Hayden - Founders of Dancing For Him Ministries

Lisa Peet-Lubin - Seventh Trumpet (worship dance creative garment seamstress)

Linnie Anderson & Michele Young - Viceroy (worship/warfare flag ministry)

Mira Hobbs & Patrice Floyd - Rapture (gifted musicians/prophetic psalmists)

Beverly Neidorf- Face to Face Ministries (gifted musician/prophetic psalmist)

Robin Young - Keyboard/vocals specialist

Tammy Webster & Theresa Payne - Song of the Lord/prophetic ministers


And many others from all over including:

Joey & Jennye Shalling

John Lucia

Worship Dance Workshop

Into the Throne Room

Teachers - Musicians - Ministers

General Schedule

What To Wear - What To Bring

Location and Directions

Air Transporation - Airport Shuttle Service

Accomodations - Car Rental Information

Mail-In Registration Form

Dance Team Participation

Prayer Time!

Available Resources - Books and Videos


Worship Dance Workshop | Into the Throne Room | Teachers - Musicians - Ministers | General Schedule | What To Wear - What To Bring | Location and Directions | Air Transporation - Airport Shuttle Service | Accomodations - Car Rental Information | Mail-In Registration Form | Dance Team Participation | Prayer Time! | Available Resources - Books and Videos

Dancing For Him Ministries, Inc.
Date Last Modified: 9/23/98
Tom and Lynn Hayden

For more information on developing your web ministry contact DFH Webmaster at justkidn@bellsouth.net