Teachers • Musicians • Ministers

Theresa Payne

Theresa Payne
Theresa is an Intercessory Praise Warrior with a heart to Worship the Lord in Spint and in Truth. She comes from over 5 generarions of Christian worshipers, intercessors, ministers and servants. Her musical study began at age 4 when the Holy Spirit prompted her to ask to learn to play the piano. In additon to accompanying choirs and playing several other instruments, she began ministering in music in her midteens trained by Richard Gordon (former accompanist to Mahalia Jackson and recorded with Thomas Dorsey.

At 17, Theresa received a scholarship to Indiana University where she studied classical voice and opera from world-renowned artists such as Camilla Williams and Reri Grist. During that time she worked with John Keanan from the Metropolitan Opera and Lawrence Gee of the New York City Opera.

Though she had the talent, in 1994, Theresa abandoned the life-long dream of the operatic stage and dedicated her voice to the Lord beginning to assist Mr. Gordon with his choir. She joined Liberty Christian Cathedral and received her ministerial license in 1995. During that time, she worked on the lead praise team and as a special choral director to teach music thsory and vocal technique. In 1996, she became Minister af Music at Miccosukee Christian Center, successfully activating, training and deveIoping special singers, praise teams, and praise warriors in ushering in the anointing of God.

Under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, Theresa has learned to mold her gospel, traditional and classicai skills into an arsenal of song that confuses the enemy, tears down strongholds and heals the broken-hearted.

She is available to minister in concerts, workshops and other speciai events.


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Dancing For Him Ministries, Inc.
Date Last Modified: 9/23/98
Tom and Lynn Hayden

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